Guide for OFW on arrival and quaranite procedure

An Overseas Filipino Worker or OFW is an individual from the Philippines who is living and working in another country, regularly on a transitory premise. This incorporates land-based OFWs and sailors/ocean based OFWs. Families voyaging along with in any event one OFW will be viewed as all OFWs.

In consistence with Philippine unofficial laws, voyagers showing up in the Philippines beginning May 8, 2021 and onwards will go through 14 days of isolate, 10 of which will be seen at a certify lodging or office, and the excess 4 to be finished at home under the observing of their individual Local Government Units. Explorers will likewise go through a RT-PCR test on the seventh day of their isolate stay.

You should remain at a lodging authorize by our Tourism and Health Agencies while you hang tight for your planned test and the arrival of results. You can just look at from your lodging on the 10th day of your isolate stay. Day 1 beginnings on your appearance date.

Prior to YOU FLY
  1. As ahead of schedule as 3 days preceding your takeoff, enlist and achieve the Electronic Case Investigation Form and save the affirmation email and QR code:

For land-based OFWs:

For ocean based OFWs:

  1. For land-based OFWs, make/update your record on the OFW Assistance Information System (OASIS) at
  2. Upon registration, sign the Declaration and Waiver Form introduced by our registration specialist, demonstrating that you are sound and fit to travel.


  1. Achieve the Health Declaration Form, Bureau of Customs Form, and Arrival Card.
At the point when
  1. Upon appearance, tune in to the instructions led by the Philippine Coast Guard.
  2. Go through a temperature check, present the Health Declaration Form after deplaning, and continue to the assigned holding up region. Round out the Project Care Slip.
  3. For ocean based OFWs, trust that your turn will continue to the check stall. Present your QR code. For land-based OFWs, you may skirt this progression.
  4. Clear with movement and present the Arrival Card.
  5. Continue to your separate work areas for your isolate lodging task:

For land-based OFWs and your wards, continue to the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) Desk. Present a similar QR code from the e-CIF and present the OWWA Project Care Slip.

For ocean based OFWs and your wards, continue to the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) Desk

  1. Guarantee your things at the assigned merry go round and clear with Customs Check.
  2. Leave the terminal and sit tight for your van/transport that will take you to your allocated lodging.
  1. Check in at your lodging and sit tight for the timetable of your test on day 7. Kindly be reminded that your booked test might be delayed the following day or sometime in the future for any unanticipated conditions (e.g., hurricanes, flashfloods, strikes, change in stricter local area isolate status, and so forth)

Day 1 beginnings on the day you show up in the Philippines. In the event that you foster COVID-19 manifestations (e.g., dry hack, windedness, loss of taste or potentially smell, and so on) whenever before your booked test, kindly advise the inn you are remaining in so a clinical or BOQ official can evaluate and determine the status of you right away.

  1. Your convenience and food during your visit will be carried by the Philippine government. Any extra inn charges because of required augmentations will be carried by their overseeing organization.

Returning HOME

  1. On the off chance that you test positive, the BOQ will move you to an assigned emergency clinic for additional clinical administration.

In the event that you test negative, your test outcome and isolate authentication will be delivered on day 9 of your isolate stay. You are permitted to look at just on the 10th day of your visit, regardless of whether your test outcomes and endorsement are delivered at a previous time. Present your test outcome along with your clinical declaration to the alloted isolate work force at your lodging for freedom. For a printed copy of your endorsement, printing administrations will be accessible at your lodging.

To circle back to your test outcomes, kindly contact OWWA or your
 separate LMAs.
  1. Whenever you are cleared, you may contact your family members to get you and bring you home.

For Land-Based OFWs, you may arrange with OWWA or utilize the OWWA Uwian Na entryway for additional transportation needs after your last mark of appearance.

For Sea-Based OFWs, you may facilitate with your Local Manning Agency (LMA) for additional transportation needs after your last place of appearance.

  1. Kindly complete your 14-day isolate or self-confinement under the checking of your LGU and Barangay Health Emergency Response Teams (BHERT)

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